What you’ll find:

White Sage | Soy Candle
White Quartz | Concrete base & Incense
Bonneval Still Water | Bonneval Sparkling Water

Why Bonneval?

Water is the earth element through which we can experience life. Water is life, water is purification, water unites us. Our priority at Bonneval is that all human beings reconnect with who we really are, connect with the essential.

When you open these water bottles, we want you to realize that water gives us everything we need, that water makes us vibrate high, that water connects us with what is essential and that water makes us feel good. It’s nice to feel good, to feel connected.

This water, which comes directly from the earth from the French Alps, brings you the chance to feel alive with each sip.

Enjoy connecting with the essential.


Sage is your perfect ally to eliminate any unwanted energy in your space.Its sacred smoke cleanses the energy to bless any space and also relaxes our nervous system. This bundle is delicately wrapped in rose petals, flowers that represent love and whose smoke helps us lift our spirits. Like all Alhumo products, this incense is 100% sustainable and with fair treatment for mother earth and merchants.

Soy Candle

By pouring this candle we intend it with the highest intentions. When you light it, you too can charge it with your intention, asking the fire to light your way and help your heart shine.White color means purification, harmony, spiritual development and blessings. The combination of Frankincense and Myrrh gives us a delicious aroma that lifts our spirits, helps us before meditations and purifies the energy field.

White Quartz

White quartz is the noblest crystal of all. Its properties help purify the environment and enhance energy, which is why it is perfect for energetically manifesting and cleansing.This quartz shields any energy around you to ward off any unwanted negative energy, it also amplifies your energy and can be programmed to any desire or intention. It is the best quartz to start a collection since being close to other quartz helps them to enhance their abilities.

Concrete Base

Complementary accessories that will help make your experience more complete. Add them all to your altar and use the concrete base to place the sage before and after your ritual.

Step 1

Starting with your room, search through your closet, bookcase and drawers, all that you have but have not used for a year or more. Identify elements that no longer add value to your life and let them go, thank them for what they did for you and give them a new life.

Step 2

Open the windows and set your intention. Opening the windows helps us to let negative energy out. Setting your intention means clarifying it and setting your attitude to be consistent with this intention.

Step 3

Light your candle and do a grounding. Get into a meditation position and take three deep breaths. Bring to your mind thoughts of light related to your intention.

Step 4

Take your incense and light it starting at your front door. Stand at the front door of your house. Hold your sage at one end and light the other end with a match, lighter, or candle. Let a flame form and hold for 15 seconds, then shake gently to put out the sage and start the smoke to rise.

Step 5

Infuse the initial smoke with the following intention: “Thank you sacred smoke, for transforming all the negative energy and taking it out of my home. Thank you sacred smoke, for attracting positive energy to flood my home.”

Step 6

Infuse the final smoke with the following intention: “My family and I are happy, healthy and fulfilled. Our lives are full of love, joy and laughter. I wish the same for everyone.” Light your candle every day for the next 10 days. Intend the candle on each occasion repeating the final prayer.